Sophie Kemp, Paradise Logic. Simon & Schuster, 2025
A hilarious, surreal, and devastating journey into the mind of Reality Kahn, a young woman on a quest to be the greatest girlfriend of all time.
It was decreed from the moment she was born. Twenty-three-year-old Reality Kahn would embark on a quest so great, so bold. She would become the greatest girlfriend of all time. She would be a zine maker, an aspiring notary, the greatest waterslide commercial actress on the Eastern Seaboard. She would receive messages from the beyond in the form of advice from the esteemed and ancient ladies magazine, Girlfriend Weekly.
When she attends a party in Gowanus at a punk venue known as “Paradise,” Reality meets Ariel, who will become her boyfriend. She bravely works for his everlasting affection and joins a clinical trial created by Dr. Zweig Altmann to help her become a more perfect girlfriend. She stars in a new commercial. She learns how to become an indelible host. But Reality will also learn that sheer will and determination, and a very open heart, are not always enough to make true love manifest.
At turns laugh-out-loud funny, tragic, and jarring, Reality’s quest grows ever complicated as the men in her Ariel, her waterpark commercial agent Jethro, and Dr. Altmann himself prove treacherous. Paradise Logic is a thrilling, psychosexual breakdown of our obsession with authentic true love, asking whether that is even possible in a patriarchal world, and announces Sophie Kemp as a wholly original, transformative, and brilliant new voice in fiction.
"Paradise Logic is an astonishment, and the odyssey of Reality Kahn reads like the strangest, funniest, most profound, vibrant, and trippy dream you ever had, except it’s not just a dream, it’s a work of art, deeply real and dangerously alive. A great writer is bornth." - Sam Lipsyte, bestselling author of No One Left to Come Looking for You
“The 21st C heir apparent to Kathy Acker. Reality sets about her quest with a Quixotean determination. A wildly propulsive novel and delight to behold.” - Jen George, author of The Babysitter at Rest
“I read this book through a customized monocle because it was finally too bright, too intense, too wild and weird. Death to reality! Long live Reality!” - Ben Marcus, author of The Flame Alphabet
ON THE BACK OF my copy of Pnin (1957), there is a blurb from John Updike. Imagine that! As if Vladimir Nabokov needs blurbing; as if Updike spent his days fielding blurb requests in a spam-riddled inbox. In any case, here it is: “Nabokov writes prose the only way it should be written,” Updike says. “[T]hat is, ecstatically.”
The ecstatic. The crisp, staccato aliveness of language—the rhythmic syntax, irreverent wordplay, and cheeky rule-breaking that, somewhat paradoxically, reveals true reverence for the written word. Embodied characters wriggling with divine light. These are the marks of Nabokovian writing, the kind of prose lauded by Updike.
These marks are conspicuously absent from a growing subset of contemporary literature. After all, the pejorative categories of “internet writing” and the “internet novel” are, as Rhian Sasseen put it in The Baffler last spring, characterized by a droll “aesthetic flatness,” a post-ironic absence of enthusiasm or earnestness. Characters in the contemporary novel do not go on adventures or quests or suffer through long dark nights of the soul. They scroll. They uwu, per Grace Byron. They demure.
Somewhere in this anesthetic abyss, the e-girl emerged as the fictional hero of the day. She makes ends meet in a piecemeal way, stringing words together in a coffee shop. She has unremarkable, unfulfilling sex with a much older man (sometimes a woman—but mostly a man). Apparently, she’s obsessed with Hegel? As Emily Zhou noted a few months ago, the trouble lies in the narrow corner of the internet these protagonists seem to occupy; they never gain enough distance to make a point. “The authors writing these books never seemed all that certain whether or not they were writing cautionary tales, or satire,” Zhou writes. “[T]he characters were either cooly detached or hyperbolic caricatures of distorted personalities.”
Versions of various e-girls in different fonts have begun to swirl in my head—so much that I have begun to wonder if it is possible to write a novel that takes place on the internet and still conveys a sense of the ecstatic. Has the algorithm carried us so far from physicality that pleasure and whimsy are gone? Wasn’t there something of the ecstatic in the flashing lights and neon colors of Webkinz and Club Penguin—couldn’t an extra spin on the Wheel of Wow fill me with enough divine light to run circles around the house?
And so I turned to Paradise Logic (2025) by Sophie Kemp, which does not so much take place on the internet as spring from it. Freed from the mundane, or perhaps freed to transform the mundane into the absurd, the book thrums with energy, verging on ecstasy. It follows 23-year-old Reality Kahn, a denizen of Paradise (otherwise known as Gowanus, Brooklyn) in her quest to become God’s strongest soldier: a girlfriend.
Reading Paradise Logic, I felt suddenly transported back to the home screen of Dream Life, the console game that consumed so many afternoons of my childhood. In Dream Life, after building your hot-girl avatar and dressing her in your outfit of choice, you were presented with a few options for her daily activities. At school, she could participate in cheerleading, theater, and soccer. After, she could go to the Mega Mall and try on clothes to raise her fashion points, or study (boring!) to get good grades. And of course—joy of all joys, butterflies in my stomach aflutter—she could talk to her dreamy boyfriend in hopes of making him fall in love.
Paradise Logic takes that early aughts quest to its logical—and ultimately absurd—extreme, giving Reality just a few settings to traverse, including, à la Dream Life, the Atlantic Terminal mall. Surprise! A message from an NPC, the novel’s all-powerful orb of wisdom: Girlfriend Weekly, a magazine that advises and chastises Reality through every step of her quest. Press “A” to open.
“Hello, female,” Girlfriend Weekly says, “you are reading this because you are to be recently finding out you have a destiny. And this is a girlfriend. Yes. You are of a young age and are looking for something to do. This is a worthwhile cause.”
And just like that, a 21st-century Miltonian tale is (to use the novel’s sardonically elevated parlance) bornth. “Imagine now that the wings are fluttering.” We begin.
The first picaresque novel was Lazarillo de Tormes, published in 1554 as European cities began to buckle under filth and poverty and corrupt governance by empire and church alike. Its protagonist, the little rascal Lázaro, gets into mischievous misadventures under the tutelage of the Friar, the Pardoner, the Priest, and the Squire. In a brilliant move so many satirists would later reappropriate, Lazarillo used the naive perspective of the child to skewer—in a sidelong yet no less piercing way—the institutions of power in Renaissance-era Europe. A few centuries later in Enlightenment France, Voltaire gave us Candide to rebut prevailing (and, so he thought, misplaced) social and political optimism. After him came Twain’s Huckleberry, and much later, the lovable weirdos of the 20th century like Fran Ross’s Oreo and Nabokov’s own Pnin (not a child, but nearly as innocent). At a most basic level, the function of these picaresque heroes is to bumble their way into social critique, to expose the absurdity of hierarchy and convention by bumping up against them in unexpected ways—or else flouting them entirely.
Kemp’s Reality may be legal (as most good girlfriends are), but her “low quantitative IQ” and inability to draw a cube put her in the picaresque tradition—to varying degrees of success throughout the novel. Her trials and tribulations? Working as an actress in waterslide commercials; getting the object of her admiration, the extremely mid grad student Ariel, to love her back; convincing the terrifying cabal of mindless girlfriend cyborgs to accept her as one of their own. In her quest for approval from all the wrong people, Reality betrays Soo-jin, her roommate and only true, clear-eyed friend. She participates in a clinical trial for a pill called ZZZZvx ULTRA (XR) and is transported to the vacuous hole of Mount Nothing. Like Eve, she speaks to a snake. And all of it, dear reader, all of it is for naught. She cannot, much as she wishes she could, convince Ariel to love her even by pulling a sword out of a rock, or wandering miles through the desert, or suddenly developing ESP. Add staunch disinterest to the long list of ways that girls are set up to fail.
It’s a bleak assessment of the landscape for heterosexual women, and one that seems to match Kemp’s own. Men are bored and hateful, enticed by the internet to think of themselves as entitled to sex by biological birthright and denied it by puritanical cultural norms—“Your body, my choice.” Women, she notes, are “exhausted by a certain kind of politics around consent.” True enough, but what to do in the face of it? Kemp seems to argue in recent essays that there is an inevitability to all of this depravity, and the only way to respond is to turn it into a game, to surrender to the absurdity just as Reality must in her diabolical version of Dream Life. Enough therapizing, Kemp tells us. Enough moralizing. It’s time to play!
The problem with this is that it creates a satire with missing teeth, a hilarious romp that points out the precarity, ridiculousness, and violence of patriarchy without a glint of a way out. I’ll grant that it’s not the task of this novel—or any, for that matter—to deliver an ideologically consistent praxis. But mourn with me, for a moment, the absence of hope, the death of agency. There are no good men in Paradise, and the only way to finish the game, to get over the guy, is to finally accept that “sometimes an antidote to sadness is being given a task.” The protagonist remains disempowered, returned to the title screen by the forces at play. Reality cannot cultivate her own garden like Candide, or whisper, like cheeky Oreo in the final line of Ross’s novel, “Nemo me impune lacessit.” She ends the novel unloved, cast out of Paradise, put back in her place by capitalist patriarchy to take her solitary way. Reality is thereby more Eve than Candide, more tragic than comic, more condemned by destiny than master of it.
What, then, of the aforementioned ecstasy? Kicked out of Eden though Reality may be, Kemp’s book brims with an almost religious fervor, the too-familiar zeal of a lovestruck girl of 23. For months last summer, I was obsessed with two Bernie’s servers turned TikTok comedians, Marty Miller and Missy McIntosh, who speak in a sort of bot-generated cadence (“Hey my beauty golden girl, I am all for complete exhausted”). I couldn’t help but narrate the book in their voices; they match Reality’s freak down to a shared penchant for the phrase “special guy.” “Brain rot” was Oxford’s “word” of the year for 2024, and Paradise Logic reads accordingly, with Reality as mouthpiece and ambassador. She is “acting this way for a super normal reason, actually.” She gives her beau “a kiss on the lips featuring tongue.” When she falls in love with Ariel, she finally has “an apple of [her] eyeball.” Reality’s quirky antics are an endless surprise: her favorite cocktail is “vodka with egg”; at the cap store Lids, she remarks, “I did enjoy a nice chapeau.” This voice is largely refreshing, energetic, leaning far enough into the brain rot that it breaks out from the stupor of staid, vapid (read: boring) prose. Finally, an e-girl who wants things, who yearns and comes up short—a “hyperbolic caricature” doomed to discover that being respected and being desired are all too often at odds.
But sometimes the brain is too rotten; the joke becomes tiresome when it drones on for too long. The book is riddled with anaphora: “Due to all of the above, there was some talk of destiny, of a quest. Of jewel-encrusted swords coming out of stones. Of lizards […] Of magazines […] Of powder-blue-suit-wearing cowboys […] Of lessons […]” I don’t mind the device when it’s used sparingly. Yet as the book went on, I began to see a pattern. Here is the way the prose often works: There is a declarative phrase followed by a colon. There is a list. There is a list that builds on itself. There is a list that builds on itself by adding syllables until it trails on, breathless, into the end of the paragraph. And so on.
These constructions are repeated so often as to be formulaic—stalwart commitments to Reality’s naivete that become grating when escalated to their most absurd. I found myself losing patience with the voice as the plot pushed further into the surreal, wishing for a clearer tour guide. (This is not an impossible task. Take it from Pnin: just because your protagonist is a gullible screwball does not mean your prose need match.) Occasionally, Kemp is so committed to the bit that the narration treads into terrain wrapped in too many layers of irony to parse, stumbling into phrases like “bestest” and “boo-boo” that, I fear, even Reality is above.
“Puns, wordplay, standup-comedy riffs, menus, charts, tangents,” Danzy Senna wrote in the foreword for the 2015 reissue of Oreo, contending that “the journey to find the father is just a chance for Ross to meander through her wicked and free imagination, and to push us toward a hyper-awareness of language itself.” Though the multimedia, multirealm journey to win a boyfriend in Paradise Logic displays the same wicked and free imagination, that hyperaware precision is occasionally missing. Here and there, Reality slips out of the past tense and into the present; allusions to Milton and Joyce and Byron and Daphnis and Chloe are tossed out but not always carried through (to completion, if you will). By the end, my head was spinning, as if I’d also taken a dose of ZZZZvx ULTRA (XR).
Still, Reality is charming; we hope she will succeed in transcending Paradise altogether. Happy-go-lucky as she might seem, as with Pnin and Candide and Oreo, her chipper demeanor hides something sinister. After all, her quest to become Girlfriend and acquire Boyfriend is in part a means of self-defense in a world that is hostile to women and makes ravenous, greedy use of our bodies. “This was something I was trying to avoid: getting raped so much,” Reality explains. But this is not the best of all possible worlds. Even winning a boyfriend and approaching him with openness of heart and purity of spirit does not protect her from the violation of rape; on the contrary, it exposes her even more intimately on drunken, dissociative nights in his warehouse crate of a bedroom. “Here was the lesson,” Reality says, of being a girlfriend: “[S]ometimes when you love someone so much, you have to lie down and take it.”
In 2010, Updike sat down with Guernica to expound on his hero and blurbee, Nabokov. What did he mean when he said that thing about the ecstatic? “I think there is a rapture in Nabokov,” he explained, “which you can take to be a love of life, and also a love of consciousness; a love of the motions of the mind […] He was a contriver of chess puzzles. And that kind of joy and manipulation is there in a lot of the prose.” Paradise Logic is also a puzzle—a Dream Life–style game about the trap of patriarchy, and the absolute torture and rapture of being a young woman at 23. Nabokovian? Not quite. But enough to send the e-girl in a more interesting direction. - Leah Abrams
Short Fiction
Yours Truly, Adonis (The Baffler)
Luckiest Girl in the World (Chicago Review, Print)
to be in love, is it so uncool