
Hanne Lippard - an impressive and equally idiosyncratic practice based at the meeting point of words, performance and visual art. At times graphic, playful and intimate, this is an artist using language in all its forms in an effort to create an original aesthetic of the word

Hanne Lippard, Nuances of No, Broken Dimanche Press, 2013. 

It is with great pleasure for BDP to announce the publication of Hanne Lippard’s Nuances of No, the first comprehensive collection of the artist’s text work. Over the last number of years Lippard has built up an impressive and equally idiosyncratic practice based at the meeting point of words, performance and visual art.
When composing her texts Lippard relies on the sounds that they trigger in her mind when she is writing but crucially also when she is speaking. The use of her voice has gained for her a typographical insistence, becoming her main medium of expression whether it be through the linearity of a mechanical narrator or through the use of her voice as a more personified melodic rhythm during her compelling live performances.
Her affinity with common speech ensures that hers is nothing less than a poetry that all of us can recognize. Common sayings, turns of phrase, everyday chitchat become for her a repeated chorus rather than a coherent meaningful construction of words: with Lippard they become melodies in themselves.
Aphorisms, love-songs, voicemails, quotes and slogans lose or gain value depending on how they are re-arranged and performed – in Nuances of No Lippard reclaims language for her own end to try and overcome any overruling claim to authorship. At times graphic, playful and intimate, this is an artist using language in all its forms in an effort to create an original aesthetic of the word.

  • Work
  • Lostisms
  • Postisms
  • Beige
  • Duonome
  • Reflection
  • Roundtripping
  • Still life
  • There are 36 ways to view Mount Fuji
  • Rusty Refusal

    Hanne Lippard (b. 1984, Milton Keyes) graduated from the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam in 2010. Her most recent exhibitions have been in Galerie Nord, Berlin, Marres, Maastricht, Suvi Lehtinen Gallery, Berlin in collaboration with Kati Kärki, TETO projects, Amsterdam and Spike Island, Bristol. She has most recently performed in Badische Kunstverein in Karlsruhe, ARCO Madrid 2012, The Showroom, London, Frutta Gallery, Rome, Poesia en Voz, Mexico City.

    Lippard has been most recently shortlisted for the inaugural Berlin Art Prize. www.hannelippard.com

    Finders, Keepers by Hanne Lippard

    Throw a stone in the water, and it disappears. The reflection also disappears. You are now no longer twice, just once, and you bend your back back. The reflection you now take takes you even further back. Back back back. But no further than what you have been.

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