David McLean & Jennifer Chesler, The Philosophy of Extremism, lulu.com, 2017.
This book details the philosophy of extremism. Chesler developed this & she here writes of it with her disciple McLean
“This gem of a book playfully explores extremism, a philosophy by which I, Chesler, have lived for most of my life. It explores literary extremism, gives examples, tells the truth about why prostitutes have no breast milk left come feeding time and other such conundrums. Also included are transcripts of real-life situations that McLean and Chesler find to be titillating examples of extremism. McLean shines as he describes philosophical extremism, spiritual extremism, Lyotard and Artaud. A must read for both simple and sophisticated minds.”
David McLean & Jennifer Chesler, Anterior Suicide & Other Tragicomedies, lulu.com, 2017.
this book is a collaborative effort by Jennifer Chesler & David McLean. it concerns instructive topics such as backsplash, incest, belly-button butter & corrupt officials.

Jennifer S. Chesler, Fragments, Nickel Hole Press, 2018.
at Google Books
Fragments is a collection of pieces that explore such topics as dog sex in the Phoenix area,the stupidity of the average American, & the author’s mental illness & poverty, both by circumstance & psychogenesis at the hostile hands of her family. Jennifer S. Chesler is an author who is influenced by deconstruction, dadaism, nihilism, & situationism.

David McLean, of desire & the desert, Black Editions, 2016.
a collection of poems written after rereading “Mille plateaux” by Deleuze & Guatarri, which you can get here…
‘Despite the innate rationalism of the traditional philosopher… something I’ve never excelled at…David McLean’s poetry does not fall flat into any sort of rigidity. An atheist, David, when asked, says that principles, & secular humanism, are not obligatory tenets of atheism, indeed, are counterproductive. Humanism presupposes a higher notion of the human, a reverence for it, yet David & his work retain and glitter with an irreverent & delightful disdain for humanity, the devolution of the human race. A scholar of and practitioner of ancient, modern & postmodern philosophies, the “body without organs” trembles in his poetry, inviting the reader through millions of conduits into a sensibility of ghost death love childhood in a voice original such as few modern voices I’ve confronted in my reading. Vistas open.’ - Carolyn Srygley-Moore.
A beautiful hand grenade of a book that would probably serve as effective population control for the hysterically reactive and weak of heart. Throw it into a crowd of SJWs and watch them die. - A.D. Hitchin
this is about the positivity & pleasure that hides at the heart of all the pain & hatred like a red rose in the murderer's heart, according to Genet. it is about the shit at the heart of all literature, everything here from Myra Hindley to Bodidharma, fuck you very much
Here is another piece about a couple of officious self-righteous assholes from Jennifer’s history of shit-for-brains psychiatrists. All these pieces are coming in The Natural History of the Cockwomble
The psychiatrist, Dr. Cunt Buggles, was responsible for the rape in question by medicating Jennifer all the way to mania, grotesquely incompetent. Indiana sees women as fundamentally cum-buckets & cunt, though there is obscurity – let’s face facts we are seeing as though through a retarded ass darkly, & the moronic therapist told my wife further to meet people by going to a book club, of all fucking things, the nameless Christian asshole was literally wallowing in the cum of JC, the coming suffering of seedy sememes.
Dr. Bugger buckled his shoe, & if you’re lucky he’ll buckle yours too. He says he has twelve pairs of buckling buckled shoes. I said to him fuck you buck you are out of luck & shit too all of it in your intestines wrapping like a necklace around your organs; doctor dear, another whispered in my ear earlier, I am another shrink & I think you’re attractive too. Sex & religion abound in my fields of vaginal blossoms. Georgia O’Keefe painted well. But she was no psychiatrist Biggles or Toff, the shrink that was attracted to me. I bet he had a diptych dick bifurcated into spouts shooting like two nippled breasts lactating down his chest & legs. But he was a flug master at heart. Buggles too. Similar. (Flug is where belly button elves feed, related obviously to the Swedish lint swap ceremony).
Hyar hyar hyar, said the shrink Buggles, Mebbe you should not take them there lithiums, but pray to Babby Jesus to heal yer sole. It’s a sure fire done deal, like, be done cured of the Jew disease, the killin’ of purty Babby Jesus. Sometimes the doctors in Indiana stagger under the sheer weight of their brains.
(a psychiatrist is naturally a medium of social control, disciplining the unruly bodies of the allegedly insane, especially women, though Buggles lacked the intellectual acumen to take a broad view of the big picture, his IQ being a mere 130, of which he boasted. Them there Christians like to kneel before the cross, taking it from Babby Jebus, the sweet seed, the semantics, the seminar, the semen.)
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