
Don't come up for air - contains experimental forms like divorce papers, a prayer, a letter, fictional definitions, a horoscope, and lots of beautiful and unusual art. This volume features writers and artists from all over the world

Don't come up for air, theNewerYork, 2015.

The fourth volume of our experimental literature anthology and the first with color throughout, Book IV contains experimental forms like divorce papers, a prayer, a letter, fictional definitions, a horoscope, and lots of beautiful and unusual art. This volume features writers and artists from all over the world. The book is designed by our very own Nils Davey, who has found various exciting ways to frame and present the stories, resulting in a book that is a visual and intellectual experience. We give attention to every detail of the book and it makes for an immersive and bizarre reading experience. Check out what words can do.
Experimental without being pompous, and ignoring cult of personality in favor of quality and creativity, theNewerYork’s Book IV is the best yet.

Carabella Sands, Christine Tierney, Gerar Edizel, Shelly Weathers, Manuel Abreu, Ghada Khalil, Jeff Friedman, Richard Penner, Sara Woods, Jesse Bradley, Alice Atlas, Evan Allgood, A.M. O’Malley, Nadia de Vries, Brad Garber, Max Miroff, Mollie Boutell, Steve Vermillion, Michael Shirzadian, Ani Bakhchadzyan, Kait Heacock, Chuck Young, Gessy Alvarez, Andy Valentine, J.H Yun, and Joelle Schumacher.
Kim Roselier, Jeannie Lynn Paske, Nils Davey, Stefan Zsaitsits, Stephen Lipman, Aniela Sobieski, Ben Stainton, David Lee Price, James Gallagher, David de las Heras, Karl James Mountford, Jake Kean Mayman and Ryan Humphrey.

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